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@ <row>, <col> WPROMPT <prompt> [MESSAGE <msg>] [COLOR <color>] ;
         [WHEN <when>] [ACTION <action>];
Purpose: Do a TSDWIN @...PROMPT  for twMenuTo()

Parameters: row, col - 'N' Relative window coordinates

            prompt    - 'C' Clipper colour attribute.

            msg       - 'C or A' String or array of messages. May include
                        embedded colours.

            color     - 'C' Color in which to display the prompt.

            when      - 'B' Code  block to determine if item is

            action    - 'B' optional code block to execute. If present,
                        the menu is not exited after execution.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson